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Former 'Felicity' leading lady, Keri Russell, considered herself lucky that her pregnancy experience was 'life-changing,' but her real luck was her effortless post-baby weight loss. The actress, pictured above at five-months-pregnant at the April 2007 premiere of her flick, 'Waitress,' and husband Shane Deary welcomed their first child, a son, River Russell Deary, on June 9. The actress was spotted toting baby River around New York City looking enviably fit and fabulous just two weeks after giving birth and debuted her slim figure at the Oscars in Feb. 2008.. Russell told the Daily News in a November 2007 interview, 'Normally I would say it's because I work out. But it's not even that. I just don't have the time. Breast-feeding burns off a lot of calories. I'm still doing that.'
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